Block Watch


Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some trending questions about the NEW BlockWatch app.


The blue alerts are reports obtained from public safety records, which include data from the Police Department and Sheriff's Office. The orange alerts are the ones posted by your fellow BlockWatch users.

Highlighted alerts mean the alert was recently posted, look at the time stamp of the alert to see the exact time of the alert posted.

When the owl hoots at you that means an alert was posted recently.

Share the app with anyone by tapping on the owl in the “Post” area and pushing “Share App”. Or just text them and tell them to search for BlockWatch in the app stores….just look for the owl and that’s us!

Reach out to us here on our website or email We will be in touch ASAP!

The Near Me button or Watch This Area button act the same way. When you arrive at a location you do not have set up as one of your BlockWatch areas you must push either one of these buttons in order to get real-time alerts from there. This feature can be used while you are at a big event, shopping or visiting a new location, etc.